Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Tips N Trik Attrib Comand

how to display files and folders back the hidden by the virus: 
1. Go to Start>> Run and type CMD. So a comment prompt (or DOS) is shown. 
2. At the beginning, the comment prompt will be the location C: \ Document and Settings \ [user name of your computer].
3a. Navigate to the location of comment prompt the drive / folder of files as its terhidden virus. 
3b. For example, victims of the virus this time is drive E, then you live type E: and press enter. 
3c. If the D drive that fell ill only one folder, then after step 3b, type cd [space] [double open quote] [folder name] [close double quotation] and press enter. For example, the folder name is "Learning", the comment prompt will display indicating the location of E: \ Learning. 
4. Comment on the prompt, type attrib-s-h *.* / s / d
 5. For some time, comments will not prompt you to react. This means that your computer is being restore files / folders for viruses terhidden. 
6. When the comment is prompt indicates the location of E: \ Learning> again, that means the files that you will return terhidden seen. 
7. Now try to check in windows explorer. What files / folders that were originally hidden "back"? If again,  ..........

Jumat, 17 April 2009

entri perdana

welcome simple blogging ....

bt teman2 yg suka ngedesain,selamat datng di blog kita yg br tahap belajar ni .... huahahaahahah ....

S-e-t-u-p "setup" is setup sponsor by espot